Mon ikke alle kender Alcatraz - fangeøen i bugten ud for San Francisco - men Alcotraz? Det er en bar, en fængselsbar. Det er ikke helt let at gennemskue, hvordan den er indrettet eller hvad det er for en slags oplevelse man gennemgår ved at besøge denne bar. Selv præsenterer ejerne Alcotraz på følgende måde: Inspired by Hollywood Film and TV that have brought to life popular prison stories, Alcotraz is a theatrical immersive experience of the highest kind. From your very own orange jumpsuit upon entrance to the real metallic cells, Alcotraz venues are more than just themed cocktail bars, they combine the very best of immersive theatre with a world-class cocktail experience. Whether a birthday celebration, hen or a stag, date night or any reason to be locked behind bars, Alcotraz becomes the perfect backdrop to enjoy a quirky night out within an intimate, yet epic environment. When convicted to Alcotraz, inmates are taken into an exciting world of mischief as they are instructed by notorious bootleggers from inside the joint to smuggle-in liquor to be used to make delicious, bespoke cocktails. You won’t find a set menu of drinks here…after all, it is prison! Alcotraz creates a range of tailored cocktails every night based on the liquor you bring and your tastes. Be as creative as you can with your attempts to smuggle-in liquor. Alternatively, the crooked Guards are on your side and have a system for hiding contraband. Just make sure The Warden doesn’t catch you. Created by Inventive Productions, Alcotraz is one part of a series of immersive cocktail experiences that follow the legend of a notorious bootlegger and criminal, Mr Clyde Cassidy. Before or after serving your time, why not experience the crimes that led Mr Cassidy to incarceration by becoming a bootlegger in the Wild West and smuggling liquor into Moonshine Saloon or stay at home and enjoy the unique cocktail delivery experience Cassidy’s, a speakeasy apothecary used to smuggle you liquor under the disguise of treatments.
Man skal melde sig på forhånd til et fængselsophold på Alcotraz, og et ophold varer 1 time og 45 minutter - og koster ca. 400 kr. (inklusiv de cocktails "medindsatte" laver til en af den spiritus, man selv har medbragt/indsmuglet).
Som vinintusiast er det første spørgsmål, der melder sig, om man kun må medbringe/indsmugle spiritus. Hvad med vin? Under FAQ finder man her følgende svar på dette centrale spørgsmål: Our team of inmate mixologists are highly skilled, therefore, we recommend smuggling in spirit so they can make you and your gang delicious cocktails. However, if some guests wanted to simply bring other choices of liquor like wine or beer, this is no problem and our team will be able to serve that for them in our prison cups.
Den første af slagsen var vist i Manchester, men nu findes der også en Alcotraz fængselsbar i fire andre byer i England. De er tilsyneladende rasende populære og de besøgende er meget begejstrerede. Crimewine synes nok, at man tager lid for let på både fængsler og vin lidt til at det bliver vort nye in-sted, når vi hænger ud.